The Python programming & artificial intelligence program (ages 9-18) is a Codekids’s core programming subject, which is the top Python program for children in WA.

The program is designed for students who are looking to learn to code using a proper “grown-up” programming language.

What is Python?

Python is a text-based coding language. It requires students to type out all of their code: making sure to remember all the different keywords and symbols they need to use.

Python’s applications are endless and can range from fun games to useful applications and even artificial intelligence. Codekids prioritises a hands-on approach and encourages students to develop original programs, from which they enhance their problem-solving skills by identifying and fixing even the most minor errors in their Python code.

Used in many emerging technologies, such as AI, machine learning, and data analytics, Python is a future-proof skill. Especially as it is currently used by large corporations such as Google, Netflix, Spotify and even NASA.

What is the Computer Vision & Machine Learning(AI)?

This course is designed for students who have a good understanding of the concepts covered in our Intermediate Level Python courses and want to apply and grow their skills even further.

Students will gain a practical understanding of how to approach Machine Learning and Computer Vision projects, the concepts and considerations involved, what tools and statistical techniques to use, and how to solve common problems, while solidifying their grasp of Object Oriented Programming & Python Syntax.

Computers can see, hear and learn.

Sounds unreal, No? The answer is MACHINE LEARNING and COMPUTER VISION.

Machine Learning and Computer Vision are emerging technologies which have already had a tremendous impact on the world we live in and are set to shape the course of the future. In this course students will take the first steps into the world of machine learning. Through a series of projects students will learn to use state of the art tools to train neural and non-neural models to classify numerical and image data, and perform neural style transfer, training a computer to re-imagine images in the style of others.

Available programs:

Python Beginner Club / Python Beginner Class / Python Online Class

Python Intermediate Club / Python Intermediate Class 

Python Advanced Class / Python Extension: AI Class