We at Codekids are excited to announce that, our new After-School Coding Club (The MakeCode club) at Bayswater Primary School will debut on 15 February 2024.

The MakeCode club teaches the coding language and computational thinking using block-based approaches for an easy learning journey. The club focuses on solidifying foundational coding concepts and skills in computational thinking through the approachable block-based coding framework.

The club supports the development of personal connections to computing by drawing upon students’ creativity and interests. Students will learn computing concepts at their own pace through personally meaningful projects. More experienced children can also benefit from MakeCode as they can use MakeCode to code robotics and mod Minecraft.

The MakeCode club lays a solid foundation for students to learn the following: text-based programming and AI courses through Codekids’ After-School Python programming club and/or Codekids’ Weekend programming class.

Please note:
All applicants are accepted on a ‘first in, first served’ basis,
as there are limited positions.

These coding clubs are exclusive to Bayswater Primary School students.

MakeCode Coding Club

For students in years 2 to 6

Tech in 2030 and Beyond.

With human’s innate desire to delegate the less desirable parts of life, and technologies ability to consistently deliver solutions – It’s safe to assume tech will play a massive role in our future.

Implications for All Careers

Learning to code isn’t just about securing one of the many emerging roles in the space. No matter your path, you’re guaranteed to interact with technology in some way – a trend that’s only growing with time.

Throughout the technology era and onward, confidence in controlling and directing technology can be considered a modern superpower.

Implications for General Success

Outside of technology as a whole, the skill of Computational Thinking has major implications for Setting and Achieving Goals. In a nutshell, it described the process of breaking a problem down into bite-sized, actionable tasks.

In coding, you have the opportunity to practice and see what incremental goal achievement feels like.

So, when you encounter a situation in real life where you have the desired outcome, you’re conditioned to define it and plan logical steps to get there.

Codekids Learning Philosophy.

Our core focus is

That’s why we hire only Specialised Coding Instructors to guide our students.

These are instructors that have completed, or are completing, their studies in Computer Science.

This implies two major benefits:

1. Holistic understanding

The ability to apply bespoke guidance to our student’s particular understanding.

2. Passion

For someone that’s chosen to pursue Computer Science, teaching it isn’t just a job. It’s an opportunity to share their passion with the next generation of coders.

“Teachers who love teaching

teach children to love learning.”

From our students and parents.