Class Details

*The class starting date, completion date, classroom address, and contact phone number are provided above.

Class time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm, for 2 days

Estimated number of students: 4-6

Equipment: Students are advised to bring their own laptop (Windows or Mac) ; We will provide a laptop during class time if student does not have one

This class is a great introduction to the web development languages include HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Upon completion of this course, students will be comfortable coding in HTML, CSS and JavaScript at the beginner level and will have the confidence to extend their knowledge at home.

The main reason why it’s important to know HTML is because it allows you as a website owner to create the basic structure of your website. CSS is a style sheet language that’s focused almost entirely on improving the presentation of HTML elements. Even though CSS is primarily used to create static visual effects, the latest versions of the programming language offer some functionality for the creation of very simple animations.