Class Details

Class Details
*The class starting date, completion date, classroom address, and contact phone number are provided above.

Class time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm, for 2 days

Estimated number of students: 4-6

Prerequisites: Nil

Equipment: Students are advised to bring their own laptop (Windows or Mac); however, we will provide a laptop during class time if a student does not have one.

The MIT App Inventor programming class is crafted to introduce your child to the world of mobile app development for Android devices, using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. Through this course, your child will grasp the fundamentals of app design and creation, ranging from simple games to innovative utilities that can significantly impact their daily routines. It provides a distinct opportunity for children to bolster their problem-solving, critical thinking, and programming abilities, all while immersing themselves in the dynamic realm of mobile app development.

Course Outline:

Part I:

Introduction to App Inventor
Logging in to App Inventor
Understanding Interface Orientation: Palette, Viewer, Properties & Blocks Editor
Creating and Testing an App

Part II:

Building a Bouncing Ball App
Components: Canvas and Sprite
Developing a Talking Pet App
Components: Button, Player & Sound

Part III:

Implementing a Shaking Phone Feature
Components: TextToSpeech, AccelerometerSensor
Exploring Drawing Capabilities
Components: Canvas, Button, Label

Part IV:

Crafting a Photo Album App
Designing Interfaces: Layout and Properties
Adding Screens and Navigation